🤖Running Modes

When scaling, you perhaps want to decouple the webhooks queue processing from your active servers that handle WS/HTTP traffic. This brings bigger performance than the previous monolithic principle in soketi.

The app itself is full-stack, meaning it works as an HTTP API, WebSocket Server, and Queue processor, all at once. The MODE variable is now introduced to help you scale apps that use external drivers (like Redis for queue).

You may want to have two fleets: one that actively interacts with the userbase HTTP/WS, and one fleet that scales independently to process queues for webhooks.


The default mode. Soketi acts like a processing worker and server, at the same time.


It does not process queues. It will only serve HTTP/WS requests to your clients. This is the server that should expose the port to the public.


You need to pair this specific mode setting with PORT to choose a different port to run on.

The servers running in this mode will have an HTTP server running so that you can check for

  • /metrics

  • / (health checks)

  • /ready (readiness checks)

There are NO WebSocket endpoints running in this mode.

Last updated